What is the Live-in Caregiver Association (LCA)?
What is the LCA?
The Live-in Caregiver Association is a nationwide member organization dedicated to educating, preparing, and supporting caregivers interested in developing a career as a professional live-in caregiver.
Who May Join?
US-based caregivers interested in beginning or developing a career as a professional live-in caregiver.
Why Join LCA?
LCA is a professional live-in career accelerator. A place where caregivers can learn more about what it takes to succeed at a typical live-in job, provide them with both the classes to learn those unique skills, and with ongoing support from a vibrant community of seasoned live-in caregivers from all over the country. LCA members can also choose to take a free caregiver certification course online.
Both agencies and households have long used live-in care to provide full-time coverage to high-hour needs care-recipients more efficiently. In certain situations, one live-in caregiver can replace 4 to 8 hourly shift caregivers, greatly reducing the related staffing headaches and challenges.
We feel that providing interested caregivers with the tools and workforce development training to help them succeed at these high-hour positions while away from their families, homes, and community is paramount to their success.
Support for caregivers that provide live-in care is one of our main goals. We deliver this support by providing members with access to experienced peers, called "Experts Corner", where they can directly engage with seasoned professional live-ins, ask them questions, and get realistic advice from someone who has been in their shoes. LCA also offers its members, links to outside support. Everything from free talk therapy, designed for dementia care caregivers, to articles and websites that offer strategies and opportunities to share some of the common stressors of caregiving, and help with the search for workable solutions.
Join us in our mission to reduce some of the strain on the shrinking caregiver marketplace, by supporting our cause of providing education, resources, and support to those live-in caregivers who are willing to cover most of the weekly coverage hours, and move in with a care recipient so that they can age in place at home.
It is important to note that LCA provides no ADL caregiver training. Instead, all of our free home care training classes and caregiver courses are geared towards workforce development. Teaching caregivers about resume making, interviewing skills, the most common challenges they may face while “living at work”, in a stranger's home, and giving them tips from professional live-ins, on how they not only survive the long hours but can thrive and maintain relationships with their loved ones. Live-in caregivers that take our signature six part live-in caregiver course, not only learn what it takes to "live at work" as caregiver, but also receive LCA caregiver certification after they prove their knowledge and pass the final exam.
Join now to gain access to our exclusive Members Only area.